Monday 13 June 2011

Tiddy's French Landing!

Bon jour Everyone,

that's foreign French talk for saying, 'Hi'. I know lots of them type of words now, cos Charlie and me have been to French France, where everybody talks French. Can you see what Exit is in French?

That's right, it's Sortie, which sounds a lot like the name some people call me... 'shorty'. I think the French people know that not many British people talk french words, and that's why they put pictures on the signs, so that the lorries, buses and cars know how to get out of the port. Can you see the bus on the bus road?

Before we could get out of the port at Calais to be inside France proper, we had to have our passports ready for inspection. I think that's why they call them passports, because you can't pass a port without one. Except for today, cos they was shut, so we drove straight into France.

It was fantastic fun being on the French France roads, cos Mrs.C. had to drive the car on the wrong side of the road!

Yes, honest, according to Mr.P. most people in the world drive on the wrong side of the road. I did think that, if most people do it, maybe it's not the wrong side, but I didn't say I was thinking it :-)

I thought it was really brilliant when Mrs.C. raced past a police car on the motorway. You must be very polite to French France policemen cos they've all got guns! Can you see the police car?

We had a absolutely fantasticle time in the car, seeing so many brilliant things, but it was great to get to our caravan. From now on we are trading in the four wheeled car with an engine for two wheeled bikes with pedals. Look out France here we come!

Oriv wha (that's bye in French words, but spelt different)

Tiddy x

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