How come she gets to dress up posh and I get a LEEK?
Hi Everyone,
I'm back at last. It seems absolutely ages and ages since I got to tell you what's been happening. Charlie's been hogging the computer, but she's busy tonight so I'm going to tell you about what I did in Caerphilliy today...
I know Charlie told you about the famous castle, but it was me who found a back way in. 
Charlie told Mrs. C and she didn't think it was one of my better plans. Mr. P looked more impressed, but I gave up on the idea pretty quick.
I'm not very good at sitting still and looking at things, but I do like to climb. I tried to see if the leaning tower could lean a bit more, but I was too little to push it over.
The leaning tower is 20 metres high and leans over by 3 metres. Lots of people say that Cromwell's army blew it up in 1648... Not many people know that.
Well that's enough history for now, it was time to head for the town. Charlie was posing for more photo's so I took a closer look at the sign post.
In Wales all our signs are in Welsh and English.
There are lot's of very interesting things about Caerphilly, but I think the bestest thing of all is that Tommy Cooper was born here. He was a very funny man.
This is a statue that the people saved up to buy. Mr.P asked if I'd like to climb into the top hat to have a photo. Mrs. C said that's not a very good idea, so I didn't. When I'm in town my next best favourite thing to climbing is shopping.
And one of my most favourite shops is The Welsh Gift Shop.
I was very excited because this was the shop we'd come to for a present for our youngest friend in the world. She's only three months old and lives in Australia.
When I was looking in the shop window I had a really brilliant idea. I rushed inside as quick as a flash and I was the proud owner of a fabulous welsh flag.
I hurried around the town waving my lovely flag for everyone to see. Lots of people looked and smiled. There were two Welsh flags flying on the castle, but they don't look as big as mine.
After all the running, climbing and flag waving I was glad when Charlie said she wanted to sit in the park for a while. Can you see the dragon behind us? It's been carved out of a tree.
When we got home I had some Welsh Cakes, but I was still hungry, so I made some cheese and pickles. I used Mrs. C's home made Pickle Onions and a big chunk of Caerphilly Cheese.
Tiddy x
Amalie enjoyed wearing her gift from the gift shop on St Davids Day, even though she was in Australia