Monday 15 August 2011

BBQ time!

Charlie here!
When we were in France, we did a lot of cycling. Can you see us on the back of the bike? It was very windy!

As you can see, we had a special seat, so that we didn't fall off when we went over bumpy bits. Cycling makes you very hungry!

One day, I cooked a barbecue, because Tiddy said he was soooo hungry that he could eat a horse! He ate lots more than me.

We also had plenty of pop to drink. In some countries, they call pop 'soda'. I like orange but Tiddy likes lemonade. When I drink pop, the bubbles tickle my nose! Tiddy said he'd like to try to swim in pop to see if it tickles. He's a very silly bear.

Tiddy will be back soon with more news of our trip to London.

Charlie x

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