Hi Everyone,
I want to tell you about a brilliant place we stayed at called Cambrils Park, in Sunny Spain. We lived in a house made of wood with dead grass on the roof.
It was a fanteddytastic place for climbing and I had a great time sliding down the roof.
Charlie liked the outside table, where we could sit and have our meals and she liked lying in the sunshine.
Mrs. C took her spinning wheel with her, so she could make yarn for her and Charlie to do knitting. Can you see it in these pictures I took of Charlie?
It was a brilliant house thing
They had loads of cool pools with one of the best slides ever.
I liked the trees more than the flowers, cos I could climb them and they looked a bit spooooky in the night.
I want to tell you about a brilliant place we stayed at called Cambrils Park, in Sunny Spain. We lived in a house made of wood with dead grass on the roof.
It was a fanteddytastic place for climbing and I had a great time sliding down the roof.
Charlie liked the outside table, where we could sit and have our meals and she liked lying in the sunshine.
Mrs. C took her spinning wheel with her, so she could make yarn for her and Charlie to do knitting. Can you see it in these pictures I took of Charlie?
It was a brilliant house thing
and the carvings were realy super coooooool.
But my favourite thing was the utterly cooool, fanteddy brilliantastic pools!
They had loads of cool pools with one of the best slides ever.
It was a dragon slide and there was a whole family of elephants that squirted water!

We had a brilliant time in Cambrils Park and if you ever go there it's only down the road from Port Aventura. We didn't go there, but we could see the roller coasters. They looked super scary!
Well, I have to go now, but I'll be back soon to show you what I found on Cambril's Beach!
Back soon,
Tiddy x
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