Tuesday 30 September 2014

Tiddy and the lion!

Tiddy here!

I have just got back from a very scary walk! It didn't seem scary at first. I was enjoying the climbing.

Suddenly, I heard a very SCARY noise. It sounded like a lion. Really! It did! I was a bit scared, but I wanted to investigate. Imagine, a lion in Wales! Scary but exciting! Lucky Charlie decided to stay at home to make cakes.

Deep inside the woods, I saw what looked like a vicious lion. If you look very hard, you will see him behind me. I was very brave.

I got even closer. My Tiddy heart was going like the clappers!

Phew! It wasn't really a lion. It was a pretty cat. I had been very brave and didn't scream ..well, only a little bit.

Tiddy x

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