Saturday 31 May 2014

I'm back again!!!
Here I am on the boat ready to try out 'SPLASH!' Cor! It went really high up!

 Here I am on the way up. I wasn't scared....much!
It was really Coooool! You should have seen the splash. I know why they called it that. There was water everywhere.

It was all quiet when I watched ....then SPLASH! Woohoo!  I love Holland! 

Can you see my fabulous jacket that my friend Elliot designed for me?

Tiddy x


  1. =(Aww...shucks! Now I'm blushing - which is a little hard being a SockMonkey, but I'm doin' it anyway.)=
    That really looks like a BIG SPLASH, there! Much bigger than any I've seen, except at the dams on the sides of the locks near here. Hope you didn't get too wet!
    Love, Elliot

  2. Hello Elliot!!!!! I didn't get too wet, cos there was a glass roof on the boat. It opened up to let us in, then closed to keep the water off. The seats were a bit wet though so I did get a wet botty! Tiddy x
