Friday, 6 February 2015

Rock a bye baby!

Tiddy here!
Have you ever wondered where we sleep when we are on a boat? Well, here's our cabin. There are lots of cabins on the boat.

As soon as we got in, I booked the top bunk! Charlie didn't mind, as she was too busy playing computer games to think about sleeping.

I snuggled up while Charlie watched us sail away from the land.

Charlie had a drink of hot chocolate in a cute smiley cup before she went to bed.

I crept down the ladder and took this picture after she was asleep. Charlie doesn't snore like me. She squeaks!

In the morning, I had a quick shower and then we were on our way again.

I love sleeping on a big bobbing boat!

Tiddy x


  1. Thank you Rebecca! I hope you are having a very French time in France :o) Tiddy x
