Friday, 25 March 2011

Hadrian's wall.

Hello, Charlie here!

Hadrian's wall.
On the way to Scotland, we saw a sign for Hadrian's wall. I thought it would be interesting, but I didn't realise it would be so big!! It is 73 miles long. We didn't see all of it, but the bit we saw was fun to climb on.

Tiddy loves to climb, so he had great fun pretending to be Spider Man. 

Careful Tiddy!

 Tiddy climbed to the top of the wall and shouted out, "I'm the king of the castle!" He's a very silly bear. I am glad that the wall wasn't as high as when it was first built. Lots of it has fallen down, or people have taken the stones to build walls and houses.

The pictures showed what the wall used to look like.
I found this very interesting notice board. There were lots of big words, but I could easily understand the drawings. There used to be towers along the wall. I bet Tiddy would have liked to pretend he was a Roman soldier and marched around on top of the tower.

Here's a picture of Tiddy and I on Hadrian's Wall with our Welsh flag. We felt like the astronauts who put a flag on the moon.

I feel giddy!

On the way back to the car, I spotted a pretty little bridge over a stream. We lay down on the bridge to watch the water flowing past. It made me feel really giddy. I giggled when I tried to stand back up, as my head was all wobbly.

I hope you enjoyed seeing Hadrian's Wall. 

Charlie x

On The Road Again!

Hi Everyone,

Can you guess where we'll stop next?

I hope your enjoying our journey so far. There's a stack of totally brilliant things to tell you and Charlie and me can't wait to tell you what I bought on our mega shopping trip.

We're in a tunnel!
Can you see the bus?
Still there's a few more stops before we get there and Mrs. C always says we must start at the begining and finish at the end.

Mr.P always says that the journey is part of the holiday and I think he's so right. I love seeing what I can see.

That's ten I've seen today!

I count things when we are on the road. Things like Eddie Stobart lorries. If you look at the drivers door when you pass one it's got a girls name on it and they're all different. Not a lot of people know that.

Bye for now,

Tiddy x 

Sunday, 20 March 2011

Morecambe in the sunshine!

Charlie here!

We've been to the seaside!!! It was great fun, and I'd like to tell you all about our day.

We had a lovely day in Morecambe. The sun was shining and it was really warm. The sea was shiny and pretty. Lots of birds came out to play.

We found this statue of Eric Morecambe, a famous funny man from years ago. You can see him on this youtube link.

Click here for Eric Morecambe on video.

Tiddy working very hard!
There is a lovely sandy beach at Morecambe, so Tiddy and I decided to build a sandcastle. I put this pretty windmill next to it.  I was tired and had a rest, but Tiddy wanted to dig a moat around the castle. He's very clever.

 I found this pretty blue telescope that let me look out to sea. I could see land far away. I felt like a sailor!
Morecambe Bay is an important place for bird watchers. Bird watchers are sometimes called 'twitchers'. That name makes me giggle! Through the telescope, I could see birds flying over the sea.

 I found some interesting footprints in the sand. These ones looked like a dog had been walking in the sand.
 These look like the footprints of a person wearing shoes. They were much bigger than the dog prints!
Look! Here are some bird footprints! They look very different to the other prints. Can you see where the birds have walked?

Tiddy found some interesting shells and sea weed on this rock. I collected some shells, and am going to make something pretty from them. I'll show you a photo when I have finished.

Tiddy found this fishing net. He wanted me to take a photo, as he liked the orange colour. He looks like a fisherman on a boat. 

Tiddy decided it would be a good idea to post himself on to the next place on our trip. He looked very funny when he got stuck in the post box. I tugged and tugged until he was back out. I'm glad he decided not to try to get back in. I was a bit scared that he would be stuck there till a postman came along! He's such a silly bear, but I love him.

Charlie x

Out and About in West Brom'

Hi Everyone,

I'm so excited about all the places we've been and all the things we've seen. It's been a real adventure that took us on the road for over 1000 miles!

Look how big this sign is! Can you see us?
The first place we stayed at was the home town of West Bromwich Albion Football Club. Mr.P told me that they were playing long before Liverpool or Man United were heard of. But I like them cos their nick name is the Baggies and I think that's funny.

Here we are! Charlie likes the pretty floor...
We liked this big sign, but I was a bit sad cos it was so shiny I couldn't climb it. 

Charlie really liked it cos she thought our reflections looked funny, and she loves pretty things.

I was very happy to see how much fun she was having, even if I couldn't climb.

Another reason to be happy was that the big sign was outside the bus station. 
When Charlie had finished looking at the pretty floor made of tiny tiles (Mrs.C told me they call them mosaic) and giggling at our reflections, we went inside.

I had a fantabulusbus time!

It wasn't long before I found something good to climb on. It was a sculpture called...

"I'm The King of the Castle". 

Well I couldn't resist.

Tiddy x

Saturday, 19 March 2011

We're Back!

Hi Everyone,

it's been a while since my last blog because Mr.P forgot to pack the cables to download our pic's, at least that's what Mrs. C said when we found they weren't in the case .
Anyway we're back now and hope to be blogging loads to fill you in on our latest andventures.
Can't wait to show you what I bought!!

Tiddy x

Gosh all this fun makes us so tired 

Friday, 11 March 2011

Tiddy's Competition Result

Hi Everyone, we had loads of views on our blog when I anounced my competition. The 1st day was a new record and we had 14 views from Australia this week!

There weren't a lot of comments left, but Charlie did get more than me so she wins ... THIS TIME! We're very excited this morning planning our next big adveture, but Mrs. C made the draw (she doesn't trust Mr P with big jobs) and my super duper flag of Wales is going to... Australia!

Bye for now...

Tiddy x

Thursday, 3 March 2011

Tiddy's Flag Competition!

Hi again,

I had this brilliantly good idea and it's even more brilliant than trying to push the leaning tower over at Caerphilly Castle.

I'm the king of the castle
I'm going to give away my super duper welsh flag as a prize. It's the only flag in the world that was waved by Me on St Davids Day in Caerphilly. 

All you have to do to enter the draw is leave a comment on either Charlie or My St Davids Day blogs. (Just click on comments at bottom of the blog)

We are having our own competition to see which one of us gets the most comments.

So get commenting and we'll make a random selection for the winner at 8am GMT on Friday 11th March. I picked this day because it's one of our friends 50th birthday, but Mrs. C said I mustn't say her name, it's not polite. 

Just Comment and you could win the Tiddy Flag!

This competition is open to everyone, everywhere, from Aberbargoed to Australia, so go for it, comment and you could find my super special Tiddy Flag in your post very soon.

Followers get double the chance to win...
 If you're a follower and you leave a comment you get a bonus entry in the draw. If you're not a follower, no problem, just click on the follower button at the top to join our gang and double your chances of being the one and only Tiddy Flag owner.

Can't wait to read your comments. Hope I beat Charlie...

Tiddy x

Wednesday, 2 March 2011

Tiddy's Caerphilly Adventure...

How come she gets to dress up posh and I get a LEEK?

Hi Everyone,

I'm back at last. It seems absolutely ages and ages since I got to tell you what's been happening. Charlie's been hogging the computer, but she's busy tonight so I'm going to tell you about what I did in Caerphilliy today...

I know Charlie told you about the famous castle, but it was me who found a back way in. 

Charlie told Mrs. C and she didn't think it was one of my better plans. Mr. P looked more impressed, but I gave up on the idea pretty quick.

I'm not very good at sitting still and looking at things, but I do like to climb. I tried to see if the leaning tower could lean a bit more, but I was too little to push it over.

The leaning tower is 20 metres high and leans over by 3 metres. Lots of people say that Cromwell's army blew it up in 1648... Not many people know that.

Well that's enough history for now, it was time to head for the town. Charlie was posing for more photo's so I took a closer look at the sign post. 

In Wales all our signs are in Welsh and English.

There are lot's of very interesting things about Caerphilly, but I think the bestest thing of all is that Tommy Cooper was born here. He was a very funny man.

This is a statue that the people saved up to buy. Mr.P asked if I'd like to
 climb into the top hat to have a photo. Mrs. C said that's not a very good idea, so I didn't.

When I'm in town my next best favourite thing to climbing is shopping. 

And one of my most favourite shops is The Welsh Gift Shop.

I was very excited because this was the shop we'd come to for a present for our youngest friend in the world. She's only three months old and lives in Australia.

When I was looking in the shop window I had a really brilliant idea. I rushed inside as quick as a flash and I was the proud owner of a fabulous welsh flag.

I hurried around the town waving my lovely flag for everyone to see. Lots of people looked and smiled. There were two Welsh flags flying on the castle, but they don't look as big as mine.

After all the running, climbing and flag waving I was glad when Charlie said she wanted to sit in the park for a while. Can you see the dragon behind us? It's been carved out of a tree.

When we got home I had some Welsh Cakes, but I was still hungry, so I made some cheese and pickles. I used Mrs. C's home made Pickle Onions and a big chunk of Caerphilly Cheese.

Tiddy x