Here I am on the way up. I wasn't scared....much!
It was all quiet when I watched ....then SPLASH! Woohoo! I love Holland!
Can you see my fabulous jacket that my friend Elliot designed for me?
Tiddy x
Tiddy and Charlie are a couple of adventurous bears who love to travel. They are always looking for interesting places to go and things to do. Follow them as they travel around the world. A happy blog for young and old. Have fun!
Pirate Tiddy here, you land lubbers. Oh arrr, 'tis. I bet you didn't know I was this tall! Hee hee. I got to have my photo taken in this cool pirate disguise. Did you know it was me? Oh arrrrr, 'tis. Charlie had her photo taken by a pirate too. She was a bit scared, but I knocked on the pirate's nose to show her he was made of plastic. Oh arr, I am brave pirate.
Tiddy x
Charlie here! We stayed in Southport for our special holiday. Tiddy was so excited, he forgot to take any photos, hee hee. He's such a forgetful bear, but very sweet, so I didn't mind. On the special birthday day, we went to Blackpool. Tiddy and I popped in a cafe for a coffee. We could see the sea out of the window. Tiddy will be back soon, to tell you about our adventure!
Charlie x
Tiddy here!
On the way to our special birthday trip, we had to cross the Mersey river. I don't like swimming long distances with my suitcase and chocolate supplies, so Mr P said he had another plan. Cor! How exciting! Instead of swimming on top of the water, we drove right underneath it. There was a huge tunnel that went down and down. Then it went up and up. It was the best part of the journey :
Tiddy x
Charlie here! On the way to our surprise holiday, Mr P said we were going to visit a mill. Not a windmill, a woolen mill! People weren't allowed near the huge loom as it was quite dangerous. I explained to the man that I wasn't a person, so he gave me special permission to get a closer look while it was stopped. Can you see the blanket he was making? It was very pretty :-)
Charlie x