Tuesday, 7 January 2014

A sailor's life for me!

Tiddy here!

I've been on a ferry over to France! Charlie was a bit scared, as the sea was very rough, but I liked all the bobbing up and down. It was good fun !

Here's a video of me on the boat. If you wait till the end, you will see something really cooooool!

Sailor Tiddy on the high seas!

Tiddy x

Monday, 6 January 2014

Lovely Leuven!

Tiddy here!

Today we went to Leuven in Belgium. It is a fanTiddytastic place!

Charlie will blog soon to show you how pretty it is at night. Got to dash. I've got a fairy to catch!

Tiddy x

Saturday, 4 January 2014

Baden Powell at the sea side!

Charlie here!

When we were at Poole,'we saw a life sized statue of Baden-Powell. Tiddy told me he was the founder of the world Sprout movement. I thought perhaps Tiddy had got it wrong, as I had never heard of the world Sprout movement.

I checked on Google and, guess what? I was right. Tiddy had got it wrong. It is the world SCOUT movement! He's such a funny bear :-)

Bye for now.

Charlie x

Poole is coooooool!

Tiddy here!

We went to Poole, which is really funny, cos it sounds like pool and there's loads of water there!

We had a breakfast in a restaurant on the harbour and then went to see the boats. Charlie lik

ed a posh one, but I liked the bubble boat. It was covered in bubbles.

Bye for now.

Tiddy x

Thursday, 2 January 2014

The Bournemouth Birthday Bear!

Tiddy here!

Just a quick blog to tell you all I have been in Bournemouth for my  birthday. It's the first place we ever blogged about, so that is coooooooool!

Still lots of Santas here. I hope you

like the pics of us :-)

Tiddy x