Thursday, 22 September 2011

Cool things we found by accident!

Hello Everybody,

I know I've told you loads of absolutely fantastical stuff about our time in French France, but sometimes there are things you see when your not looking!

I don't mean you've got your eyes shut, that would be silly. No, this is when your on your way to see something or go somewhere and things you didn't know were there, are there, and they are cool.

 Like these absolutely super cool white cows. We were soooo excited to see them, even though we didn't know they were there til we saw them. It's like having brilliant suprises on the way to other brilliant things. COOL!

Look at these totally magic houses that we passed! I liked the old railway house, but Charlie thought it was a bit scruffy. Her favourite was the posh lodge house. Mr.P says She's got very sophisticated taste for a Teddy, I think that means I've got scruffycated taste.

This was our joint favourite accidental brilliant suprise. It's in the middle of  nowhere in the middle of French France. I think it suits Charlie and me, cos it's kind of scruffy and sophisticated at the same time.

All I know is, I'm so glad the bits between where we are and where we're going are full of fantastical stuff and real cool suprises.

Hope you've enjoyed seeing some of ours, and remember, keep your eyes open for the brilliant things on the way!

Tiddy x

Saturday, 17 September 2011

Pierreonds castle.

Charlie here!
When we were in the castle at Pierrefonds, we saw the most amazing creatures! This big lizard was carved out of stone and was a drain pipe. When it rained, the rain came out of his mouth! Can you see Tiddy sitting on the lizards head? He's the same colour, hee hee!

We climbed to the top of the castle, and looked down at the set where they film the series 'Merlin'. Tiddy hung out of the window to look, but I was too scared as it was very high. Can you see the photo of the window where Tiddy was? 

Inside the castle, there were loads of interesting things. We found a huge photo frame and pretended we were a famous king and queen in a portrait. It was hard to keep a straight face, we giggled a lot! Tiddy laughed the most.

Look at this massive lion! He is supposed to be at the top of a castle tower. I was a bit scared of him, even though he wasn't real. Tiddy was very brave and climbed up on his tail for a photo!

Here we are in a window piece from a castle. I felt a bit like Rapunzel, but my hair wasn't long enough to hang out of the window.

Tiddy found this model of a castle. It was too big to bring home with us though. It was Tiddy sized, hee hee! Michael Jackson visited Pierrrefonds castle in 1997. He loved it so much, he had a model of it made to put in his Neverlands ranch!

On the way out, I wanted a photo with this pretty view. I'd like to live in Pierrefonds!

It was very hot, so, after visiting the castle, we had an ice cream. Mine was mango and coconut. Tiddy had lemon sorbet and vanilla ice cream. It was scrummy!

Charlie x

Sunday, 11 September 2011

Tiddy searches for Merlin!

Hi Everyone,

life is so exciting at the moment, as Mrs.C and Mr.P are getting ready for our next big adventure. Still that's next month, so for now let me tell you about a "magic" place I went to in French France

This is the real, unbelievable, super impossible, incredibilly cool castle from Merlin on the telly!

As you can see I had to do a bit of climbing, but I love climbing and it was worth it to get into the real TV set!

Now, how do I get in the castle?

It's a bit high to climb!

Oooh look! A catapult in the woods.
Maybe I could do a flying Tiddy!

Now, here's a plan.
A secret passage under the ground!

When I told Charlie my fantascateddy plans, she was so impressed she laughed for ages and ages...

When she finished her gigling fit, she told me to follow her, cos she had a very clever plan.

What a clever Charlie. I opened the door and we all got in!

Well, got to go now, but Charlie will be here soon, to tell you what we found inside 'The Magic Merlin Castle'. Well, it was her idea that got us in. What a clever Bear!

Tiddy x