Charlie here!
Tiddy is so excited about our trip to London that he has forgottten that we need to tell you more about our trip to France. He's such a forgetful bear!
One day, we went to Paris on a bus. Tiddy has some pictures of the bus. I'll get him to show you them. Can you see the Eiffel Tower?
It is 324 metres tall! It's a lot bigger than the tower we visited at Blackpool. You can see it behind Tiddy in this photo. It is made of metal and was built as a way in to the World Fair in 1889.
Here's Tiddy by the Arch de Triumph. It is in the middle of a roundabout and is a very noisy place to be. There is a stairs so you can climb to the top, but I was a bit scared to go up so high.
Here we are at Notre Damme cathedral. It is on an island in the middle of the river Seine, the big river that runs through Paris.
It was a very hot day, so we had a sit down on this hedge. Lots of people were smiling at us. I think they like bears, so I smiled back.
This was my favourite bit of Paris. It is a shop called Galeries Lafayette. There are lots of smaller shops inside a huge, beautiful building. Can you see the shops behind me? It was so pretty, it made me smile.
When I looked up, there was an amazing glass domed ceiling. There was pretty glass in it and it made a lovely pattern. I wanted my photo taken by it. Tiddy wanted to climb up for a closer look, but I told him not to, as it was too high even for Tiddy to climb!
I hope you enjoyed our trip to Paris. I'll be back with more about France soon.
Charlie x